FlightOne Speed Controllers
The best ESC on the market
Our ESC are engineered to be the best on the market. Supporting Dshot 2400 and 96khz output, you will have the smoothest performance possible. Engineered to make the most power, with the most noise free electrical, they will not disappoint. Fully plug and play with our flight controllers, just take out of the box, and plug in the cable.

Megabolt FreeStyle
Controls Your Motors
STM32 BLHeli32 based Electronic Speed Controller (ESC) which controls your motors.
The FreeStyle version has by far the most capacitance and is the smoothest and most responsive of all the ESCs.
This ESC is a little more expensive than the basic but gives the best performance.
Pin Out Chart Buy Now $64.99Megabolt FreeStyle
Smooth and Responsive Speed Controller
- Most Capacitance
- 40v Rated Fet Drivers
- American Made STM32 Processors
- 30.5mm x 30.5mm mounting
- DShot2400/DShot64 Support
- 4s-6s Lipo Battery Powered
- Solder Pads or Connectors

Megabolt Race
Controls Your Motors
STM32 BLHeli32 based Electronic Speed Controller (ESC) which controls your motors.
The Race version has less capacitance but has increased cooling.
This ESC is designed for racing and is focused on power and cooling.
Pin Out Chart Buy Now $64.99Megabolt Race
Power and Cooling Speed Controller
- More Cooling
- Less Capacitance
- 40v Rated Fet Drivers
- American Made STM32 Processors
- 30.5mm x 30.5mm mounting
- DShot2400/DShot64 Support
- 4s-6s Lipo Battery Powered
- Solder Pads or Connectors

Megabolt Basic
Controls Your Motors
STM32 BLHeli32 based Electronic Speed Controller (ESC) which controls your motors.
The basic version has less capacitance but is a great budget option speed controller.
This ESC is more affordable but still gives great power and responsiveness.
Pin Out Chart Buy Now $59.99Megabolt Basic
Budget Friendly Speed Controller
- Less Capacitance
- Less Cooling
- 40v Rated Fet Drivers
- American Made STM32 Processors
- 30.5mm x 30.5mm mounting
- DShot2400/DShot64 Support
- 4s-6s Lipo Battery Powered
- Solder Pads or Connectors

Afterburner Hybrid
Controls Your Motors
STM32 BLHeli32 based Electronic Speed Controller (ESC) which controls your motors.
The ESC that can do it all. Mount in 30.5mm x 30.5mm or 20mm x 20mm drones, while having great performance, power and weight savings.
Pin Out Chart Buy Now $64.99Afterburner Hybrid
Hybrid Mounting Speed Controller
- Less Capacitance
- Less Cooling
- 40v Rated Fet Drivers
- American Made STM32 Processors
- 30.5mm x 30.5mm mounting
- 20mm x 20mm mounting
- DShot2400/DShot64 Support
- 4s-6s Lipo Battery Powered
- Solder Pads or Connectors